Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to start painting in 3 easy steps!

  Have you ever wanted to create a painting? Would you like to in the future as a hobby? If so, there are a few basic things you need to know before starting. When starting out as an artist there is the possibility of wasting a lot of time and money by making a few minor mistakes. So I've configured a quick list of the steps you'll need to take in order to kick start you goal of creating your first painting.

  One: You will need a canvas, you can make your own canvas if you have the materials and the know how,  you can also buy one online or at your local Arts and Craft store. If you have any particular make of material that you'd like to paint on, but don't know where to find it, then online will be the best place to turn.

Two: Before starting your painting it is very important that you prime your canvas first. Buy primer from your local art store, you will paint multiple layers of primer over the canvas. Priming the canvas is very important because painting on a raw canvas with oil paint will ruin the canvas, and as a result the painting will be ruined as well. It is ok to paint on a raw canvas with acrylic paint, but keep in mind that the canvas may be rough to the touch when raw, and as a result you will find it hard to paint small details.

Three: This is the easiest step of all. After you've primed your canvas properly you're ready to paint! Make sure you have a large variety of brushes on hand and at least 6 different color bottles of paint, all of which will be your primary colors, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Black, and White. Mix these colors to achieve your desired shade. If mixing colors isn't you thing then you can always buy more colors to support your need ;)

 Now, keep in mind that while the preparation may be relatively easy, painting is not. So be prepared to work hard and try your best! I'm sure the end result will be a great piece.
Thanks for reading.

Traditional Art-VS-Digital Art

  Are you a traditional style painter? A digital painter? Or both? The digital age has created a brand new way to create art! Steve Jobs first spoke of the possibilities that the computer would create for the art world in his presentation in 1983, where he also mentioned how computers would become part of our everyday lives. Digital art has many great aspects and very little downsides, for instance you will be saving lots of money on canvases, paint, brushes, ect. Digital art also allows you to do many great things, like zoom in on a painting to add more detail, or hit "ctrl=z" on your keyboard to completely erase a mistake you may have made. Not only that, but you can also add effects to your painting that would be difficult to achieve with traditional style painting, such as the glow effect, blurs, distortions, you name it. One of the only downsides to digital art is that while you will save lots of money in the long run the initial investment will still cost you.
 Cost: Digital media is great, but it isn't cheap, you will need a fast computer, graphics software (such as photoshop) and a graphics tablet. However, there are ways to save money when becoming a digital artist. 
You will need a type of computer graphics program and photoshop may be the best out there but, it isnt for everyone due to its price. As a result, many people have instead downloaded a program called GIMP. GIMP is very similar to photoshop and is about just as good (with the exception of no animation capabilities) and the best thing about GIMP is that is completely FREE! ..And then there's the problem of getting a graphics tablet, which can range anywhere from $50.00 all the way to $1,500.00. But if youre just starting out then it may be best to go with something cheaper, like a Wacom Bamboo tablet which usually cost $99.99 at Best Buy.

Resources: Once you've got your Computer and tablet all set up then you're ready to go. If you're doing traditional style painting then you'll be making frequent run's to your local art supplies store. Many artist

"Itami"- Acrylic painting 24x36inch canvas.

   This painting was inspired by the "Itami" we all go through, among other things. I really love this painting. The Japanese characters on the painting translate to "Itami" in English, which means "pain" in Japanese. However, the woman in the painting is not necessarily Japanese! Some people assume shes Japanese, when I painted her I had no intention of making her look like a certain ethnicity, it just sort of came out that way... Who knows, she could be an alien, just look at her elongated neck.
 All jokes aside, the woman in the painting doesnt look upset at all really, which is because you usually can't tell how upset someone is just by looking at them.

You can buy this painting for $199.99 here

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

John Lennon Abstract Painting

  John Lennon is one of my favorite artist of all time! And as such I felt the desire to paint him! Although, I should have sketched his face first instead of just painting it with a brush right away, but i still like the way it turned out. I also made another painting inspired by one of Lennons many amazing songs. I will be doing a lot more John Lennon inspired paintings in the future so this is just the beginning!
Originally I was planning to paint john lennon on a bigger canvas instead of a 16x26inch canvas, but I only have one 30x24inch size canvas left >.<

Monday, November 19, 2012

My First painting.

  Hello there! Thanks for visiting my art blog. here i'll be posting photos of all of my paintings and giving update along the way. Heres my first painting which was done with acrylic paint on canvas. Not much to say about it, but I really like this one. Its not too large and not too small. I learned pretty quickly that acrylic paint just isnt right for fineart, depending on the artist.. So my next few paintings were all either very simple, or abstract/abstract impression.

Be sure to Follow my blog if you want update on upcoming paintings.